Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Classroom Management

Welcome back y'all!

Today's post will focus on behavior management in the classroom. One of my biggest fears in having my own classroom is not having the students respect me because I am so young. Even walking around in this high school students and staff mistook me for a student ( one staff member even asked me why I wasn't in class !!!) However, observing Mr. M. has made me more comfortable in managing the classroom :)

Because I wasn't there in the beginning of the school year, it is hard to say exactly how Mr. M. established a level of respect among his students. Mr. M. has a very joking demeanor so many of his students joke around with him most of the time. When things get serious and tests are handed out, the students also get serious and were very good at doing what they were told. I feel like mostly all of the students feed off the energy of Mr. M. and vice versa. Mr. M. gives his students a lot of freedoms when they behave (choosing their seats, holding the bearded dragons, group work in the hallway) so I feel like that is another reason the students respect him so much. 

In the off chance that a student is not behaving according to Mr. M.'s standard, he does not play around in disciplining them. Seat privileges can and will be taken away very easily and Mr. M. is not above sending an email home to the student's parents. Mr. M. did not have hardly any misconduct while I was observing, which shows me that he really knows what he's doing in terms of controlling behavior in the classroom. In my eyes, it's all about respect. 

How would you manage bad behavior in your classroom?


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