Monday, April 22, 2013


Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog! 

Here you can explore my experiences shadowing a high school Anatomy & Physiology and Biology teacher, Mr. M. To start out with, I feel as though I should give you some introduction as to why I am shadowing Mr. M: I am currently taking an Introduction to Teaching course at George Mason University and it is a requirement of the class that I have at least 15 hours classroom observation time. Now to some this might sound like more of a chore, but to me I was so excited to be given the opportunity to spend some time in a classroom in a field I am very interested in. I chose an Anatomy/Biology high school class because I've always been very interested in the human body and the way everything works. It is my dream that one day I will go on to have my own Anatomy/Biology classroom :)

The teacher I am shadowing, Mr. M., couldn't have been a better teacher to spend my classroom observation time with. His enthusiasm for the subject area is very evident through his lectures and general conversation. He has established a level of respect among his students, which allows him to joke around with students at times, but they take him seriously as well. Mr. M. currently teaches a section of freshman Biology as well as three sections of senior Anatomy & Physiology. All of his classes have around 30 students, mostly Caucasian with some Middle Eastern, Asian, and African Americans. His 5th period class is slightly different than his other classes, as most of the kids in that class have some sort of learning difficulty. 

That's all for now, but be sure to come back again to see what I'm up to next!


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